Jet Lag

Back in Kona, we got to participate in some other exciting events. One day there was a total solar eclipse we watched with the special tinted viewing devices so that we didn’t burn our eyes out. It was bizarre how as the moon went in front of the sun and it got dark, the morning birds all started up their singing until the moon moved on again.

Kona hosts the famous Ironman triathlon every year for which YWAM provides volunteers. We gave out drinks and encouragement to the runners at a spot where they were just reentering town from their long run out in the lava fields. There were only a few miles left until the finish line.

Although it’s certainly a great accomplishment to complete the race at all, to be an official finisher, the competitors have to be done by a certain time. With some of the stragglers at the end, volunteers start running with them for support. That was fun but I was wiped out with just those few miles. I can’t imagine doing the whole race.

25 – Hawaii, London, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia

The University organized a communication workshop training course trip to some eastern European countries. This was right after the break up of the Soviet Union. There were about ten of us on the team and I was designated to go as the official photographer. The countries we were visiting were Ukraine, Russia, Latvia and Lithuania. Our leader was one of our professors – Jean Hartley. Jean used canes to walk because of polio as a child. This was going to be quite an adventure for her since we were going to be travelling on trains in countries that weren’t exactly disability-friendly. 

Laura had just heard about some bad news about her family and rather than stay in Hawaii while I was gone, she wanted to go be with them. She asked for the time off work and they said no. So, like I had done a few years before at the restaurant, she told them she would quit then. When she explained the situation with the boss, he understood and gave her the time off instead.

To start our trip, the team traveled all day to get to London for an overnight. The rest of the team members I was travelling with were staying in a hotel near the airport. To save money, I went into town to find something cheaper. I got a few hours sleep on the plane but the jetlag and the hotel got me bad. During the night there was a baby crying, a phone ringing, the door buzzer buzzing, sirens sirening and a drunk guy yelling and swearing. I didn’t sleep all night.

One of our team members went to Barcelona first to participate in part of an outreach during the Olympics. She was going to catch up with us in London. In one of the most amazing set of timing circumstances, I just happened to run into her on the Tube platform on my way back to the airport. She kept saying, “Praise God” and  “It’s God” because she had a lot of luggage. She was going to be teaching silk screening on our trip so she had a lot of supplies. So I was able to help her get them to the airport.

We flew from London to Warsaw, Poland where my old friend from the ship, Steve Wallett and his wife, Lori and their new baby met us and helped us get to a hotel. I was in a room with two other guys and, once again, the jetlag kicked me. I got maybe a couple hours sleep that night.

We had a day off the next day to recuperate before heading to Ukraine. Steve and Lori came to take me around Warsaw. I was completely exhausted but I wanted to stay up to try to get used to the new time before we went even further east.

Looking through the special eclipse viewing device with the eclipse behind me

The Wallets


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