
YWAM had a DTS running in Latvia but it was only held on the weekends, four hours away in the countryside on the Baltic Sea. It was their last weekend and they asked us to go. Us boys didn’t really want to but we gave in. Transportation was on a private bus and right from the start, there were people standing in the aisle. Then we then picked up people all along the way until there was a crush. The Sea was close by the property so one of the other guys and I decided to go find it. It was about 9 p.m. when we left to explore but as Latvia is very north, it stays light very late in the summer. We found the water and the scenery was nice but the water was cold and polluted. On the way back it was drizzling and we thought we could find a short cut through the forest because we were getting soaked. Instead we got lost and by this time, it was getting darker. We were following a grass road, thinking we were going in the right direction when all of a sudden we heard the sea again. We discover...