We got back to doing street outreaches in Athens and we were also trying to get into other places like schools. On another day off, some of us decided to go on a day trip to Corinth where my parents had once been taken to the police station. One of the coolest things about Corinth is the acropolis and subsequent fortifications built atop a very large hill behind town. We went up there to explore and I stood on top of a post at one of the highest spots overlooking the bay and did a Julius Caesar by crying out, “I came, I saw, I conquered”.
Back in Piraeus, a few of us decided to start a secret society. It all started with THE ROOM. It was at the end of the hall where they stored extra mattresses and beds. I’m sure we weren’t supposed to be in there but once we found it, it surreptitiously became our hangout. We also built a fort out of the materials at hand.
It was built in a corner of the room with natural walls on two sides and the other two made of mattresses. Part of the top was also made of mattresses but there was an opening in the back. One of the challenges we gave ourselves was to bounce high enough off the beds on the bottom of the fort to get our heads high enough through the hole above the top mattresses to take a picture. I owned that challenge.
There were three of us - Joe and Lucy from the USA and me. As we began hanging out there, Joe came up with the idea of forming the secret society. We called it The Jeremiah Young Prophets Organization, or JYPO and our password was “eschatology”. We didn’t know what the organization was for but we kept minutes of our meetings and came up with the following rules so transcribed:
1. Sneeze out the sneeze hole
2. Open 24 hours/day
3. No sleeping in
4. Initiation: Dance the Patrick
5. Song: “Joy to the World” by 3 Dog Night
6. Code: Jeremiah was a prophet
7. Motto: The spirit of the prophets are subject to the prophets
As far as sneezing, the room was very dusty and people would often sneeze. There was a hole built into the side of the fort so we designated that the sneeze hole so that people wouldn’t be sneezing all over each other. We decided that, as Christians, we didn’t want people sleeping willy-nilly in the fort, so that’s why we decided that nobody could sleep in. That rule was later amended to allow napping, one person at a time but no sleeping in at night.
As for the initiation, there was a leader on our outreach team named Patrick. At one of the outreaches, Patrick stepped in to cover a role in one of the dramas we performed on the streets and the part called for him to dance…and it was hilarious. He had no rhythm and his movements were very awkward. So when we formed JYPO, we decided that if you wanted to join, you had to dance “The Patrick”.
For membership criteria, the only stipulations we made were that you could not be too serious or too silly. We all held official positions. Joe was the President and Resident Prophet. I was Master of Jokery and Commander-in-Chief of the Non-Existent Army. Lucy was Secretary of State. It was she who kept the minutes.
We started asking others who fit our criteria if they wanted to join. But we could only ask one at a time because whenever a new person joined, they had to begin as the new 48-hour peon before they were appointed to any other role. We made Patrick an honorary member but weren’t going to actually invite him. If he found out about it, we probably would have been kicked out of the room. We started to experience a few issues with our rules, which led to our second amendment. “All rules under extenuating circumstances subject to interpretation by tribunal.”
As our secret society got more involved, we began to see a drawback. We noticed that we, as the members of JYPO, were starting to separate ourselves from the rest of the group. That wasn’t good for the unity we needed for the outreach. So, three days after we formed, at only five members strong, we decided to disband. Perhaps we would pick it back up once the outreach was complete. But for now we decided to sacrifice our witticism for the greater good. The next day there was a big clean up of the building and our fort was taken down.
Some of us boiz doing our GQ impression |
Veni, vidi, vici atop the Corinth acropolis |
Owning the JYPO challenge |
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