We got back to doing street outreaches in Athens and we were also trying to get into other places like schools. On another day off, some of us decided to go on a day trip to Corinth where my parents had once been taken to the police station. One of the coolest things about Corinth is the acropolis and subsequent fortifications built atop a very large hill behind town. We went up there to explore and I stood on top of a post at one of the highest spots overlooking the bay and did a Julius Caesar by crying out, “I came, I saw, I conquered”. Back in Piraeus, a few of us decided to start a secret society. It all started with THE ROOM. It was at the end of the hall where they stored extra mattresses and beds. I’m sure we weren’t supposed to be in there but once we found it, it surreptitiously became our hangout. We also built a fort out of the materials at hand. It was built in a corner of the room with natural walls on two sides and the other two made of mattresses. Part of the top was als...