A Creep on a Train

Our next destination was Venice. I wanted Laura to see this amazing place I had lived when I was younger and I wanted to try find where the ship had been. But to get to Italy on the train, we had to go through what was then still communist Yugoslavia which is now divided into about six different countries. It was another overnight trip so we were in a sleeper car. There was room for six people in a car with two rows of seats against the walls, one facing forward and the other backward. At night, the seats slid together to make four places to lay down and there were two spots higher up. However, there were only three of us in our car because of the blessing of our one other companion. Whenever you take a long train trip, you always have concerns about with whom you will have to share the car, especially for a female. There are a lot of creeps out there travelling on trains. Laura and I were relieved to see that we were alone in the car when we left Greece. But as much as you hope, we kn...