The First End to my Filmmaking Career
Growing up, my dad would ask us three questions almost every day – have you made your bed, brushed your teeth, had your quiet time? These things were drilled into us. A quiet time is a time by yourself when you read your Bible and pray. At best, it is a practice that is very helpful for the Christian life. At worst, it becomes a rote religious duty. Oftentimes, it’s something in between. Nowadays, instead of asking my kids if they have had their quiet time, I ask them if they have had time with the Lord. This keeps it focused on the purpose instead a task. It also doesn’t imply that once you’ve had your quiet time, that task is done and that’s your time with God for the day. Time with God should be constant and you can have multiple times alone with Him in a day. For me, although it was a discipline, I found quiet times to be helpful in bringing my focus back on what was important and in giving me wisdom for how to live. As I began to obsess more and more on music, God began to ch...